Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finally Berlin Calls

Drugs are ultimately Ickarus’ bridge from reality into a world where nothing matters. He’s so sick of not being at the rest of the world’s standards whether it be music or with his family that he desperately wants to escape it. There is also the fact that most of his fans do the same thing for basically the same reason, rebelling against the force that had restrained them. It also does not help that they feel as if they have no other way to control their own futures. The drugs they take are generally hardcore and/or hallucinogenic to make them feel as if they have truly escaped the world, with the addition of when they take them (generally listening to music (techno, rave, or trance)) adds to feelings they get. From the movie you can see that there and here have almost the same standards (with them likely being more lax on the restrictions). We both have a section of young adults who have generally ceased to care and have begun to do what they want. Then there’s the portion who do what the others are doing but only on their off time so it does not affect their work. In the case of Ickarus’ work ethic, he’s good at what he does, but until he went to rehab it wasn’t as exceptional as it was after he was clean. Alice was also good at what she does; however most people who do what Ickarus did do not get second chances. I also don’t think she was German…either that or she had an impeccable English accent. And industrial nation though, is dependent on its youth. With an aging workforce that’ll eventually get too old to work and thus the opening of jobs that require focus and discipline. The youth at the moment will not be able to step into their shoes and fill the rolls. As for cult movies, I don’t really know of any as it’s not really my area of movie watching.



I really enjoyed the film. Engaging storyline, good acting, and excellent music. I particularly liked the doctor and Ickarus (though he got really frustrating at points). Of course the film was different from American films, it’s supposed to be. As high tech as Hollywood is all the good actors come from Europe as they tend to put more stock in art forms than Americans (most of whom seem to only be in it for the triviality of fame and money, not all, but a good portion). Also, because American culture has a stick up its ass, it ruins a lot of things that could become excellent plots. This movie in the U.S. would have been at the very least rated R if not higher due to the sheer amount of hardcore drugs and nudity. Hell, they put a warning if someone is smoking at any given time. This creates curiosity in the children the parents are being so overly protective of and makes them want to go out and see what they’re missing. In class we’ve talked about how nudity isn’t that big of a deal in Germany and most of the rest of Europe but lo’ and behold if someone is missing an article of clothing in America-There is a comic, made by a Danish woman, that portrays America’s allowance and lack of sensitivity to violence and its over-sensitivity to  nudity.

Though it is not in the form of film, but a videogame, it still proves the point.

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